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Kazetaritza ez da delitu

Utzi ARGIA bakean

Gehiegitan gelditu dira euskara eta euskal hiztunak bigarren mailan, baita kazetaritzan ere.


Aurten Nazio Batuetatik hizkuntza gutxituen babeserako urte gisa sustatu da, baina tamalez etxean bertan jasaten ditugu oraindik ere urraketak.


Onartezina da kazetari baten aurkako salaketa egitea, esan duenarekin ados ez dagoelako polizia.


Demokraziaren oinarria, hain justu ere, gobernuak eta poliziak sarritan ados egongo ez diren albisteak ematea da.


Desadostasun hori hizkuntza-eskubideen urraketatik badator, are larriagoa iruditzen zaigu poliziaren salaketa, eta horregatik auzia bertan behera gelditzea eskatzen dugu, eta gure babes osoa ematen dio Lander Arbelaitz kazetariari.

On 20th March ARGIA  (Basque-language weekly newspaper)  journalist Lander Arbelaitz must go to the Court of Donostia to declare after the two ertzainas (Basque police agents) accused him of insulting them.


Mr Arbelaitz informed how these two agents did not respect the linguistic rights of a citizen. The judge will decide where the case ends or not in a trial.


Too often Basque language and its speakers are treated as second-class citizens, even in journalism.


2019 has been declared as the International Year of Indigenous Languages, but unfortunately our rights too often are not respected.


It is unacceptable for the Police to accuse a journalist because they do not agree with what he published.


One of the basic elements  of the democracy is to inform of things Governments and the Police will not agree. If this disagreement comes from a breach in linguistic rights, it becomes even more serious. Therefore, we appeal for the case to be dropped, and we express our support to Lander Arbelaitz.

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